Monday, February 13, 2006

Holding On...

---you know i always wanted to be able to write a poem but never really got anything to wrtie about...this was something I wrote during the 'grind'...anyway needed to write one for my creative writing slot :)---


And he gets up, yet again,

To be knocked down,

yet again,

but he gets up...still

The fight is not yet over,

The bell has not yet rung,

The refree's not blowing his whistle,

just his senses, going numb

Another volley

And he is flat on the ground

But courage...he still holds on to,

and hope...stays around

The match ...continues

With the pain...aggravating,

his strength...seeping,

and the future ...looking bleak.

But, he WILL get up


1 comment:

Vinay said...

Maajor Fundaes da